Universal Basic Income

​    Universal Basic Income (UBI)​

     Melissa Kearney, Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, Brookings fellow and research associate National Bureau of Economic Research

    What Do Prime Age NILF Men Do With Their Time? A Cautionary Tale for Advocates of UBI

     Nick Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Chair In Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute

Unemployment Insurance

     UI Work Search Waivers - Time to Reconsider

     John Courtney, President, American Institute for Full Employment

Holiday Time in Oregon

     Marijuana, Psilocybin, Oregon Measure 110: Where We Go From Here

     Luke Niforatos, Executive Vice President, Smart Approaches to Marijuana

Recruiting Foster Care Families

     The Church and the Foster Care Crisis

​     Bob J. Bruder-Mattson, President and CEO, FaithBridge Foster Care

Zoom Session November 2020

Secretaries' Innovation Group

Zoom Session September 2020

Zoom Session January 2021

**To view power point presentations and supporting materials, click on underlined title.

Vaccination Roll Out

   ​The Untold Story of COVID-19 and What Government Can Learn From It

     Kristin Cox, Former Executive Director, Utah Office of Management and Budget


Combatting UI Fraud

     Unemployment Insurance - Comprehensive Fraud Prevention

     Angela Cook, Audit Coordinator, Fraud Investigation Unit, Arkansas Division of Workforce Services

     Don Denton, General Counsel, Arkansas Division of Workforce Services