TANF Reauthorization

     The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 - Focus on Work and Accountability

     Grant Collins, Executive Director, Fedcap

​    Lessons from Welfare-to-Work Experiments and Related Studies

     Jim Riccio, Director, Manpower Demonstration Research Corp.​

Child Welfare

     Dr. Jim Payne, Public Consulting Group; and former Director, Indiana Department of Child Services

     Presentation: Doug Besharov

​     Doug Besharov, University of Maryland School of Public Policy; and first director of the U.S. National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect

     The Allegheny County Experience

     Marc Cherna, Director, Dept. Human Services, Allegheny County

Rethinking Consent Decrees
     John Bursch, Partner, Warner Norcross and Judd

     Greg Povolny, CEO, MindShare Technology

     Advanced Analytics to Improve Child Welfare Practice and Outcomes

​     Will Jones, Child Well Being Industry Consultant, SAS State and Local Government Practice

Substance Abuse

​     Moral Reconation Therapy

​​     Dr. Kenneth Robinson, President, Correctional Counseling


Marriage and Child Support 

​     Are We Still Married? Family Structure and Family Policy in the Emerging Age of the Unformed Family

     David Blankenhorn, President, Institute for American Values; and author of Fatherless America and The Future of Marriage       

Innovation from Wyoming

     Climb Wyoming

     Ray Fleming Dinneen, Executive Director, Climb Wyoming

     Donna Nelson, Statewide Director of Operations, Climb Wyoming

Universal Engagement in Work

     ​Effective Job Search

     Michelle Beebe, Unemployment Insurance Director, Utah Department of Workforce Services 

Disability State Demonstrations

    PROMISE (Promoting the Readiness Of Minors In Supplemental Security IncomE)

     Ellie Hartman, Promise Grant Project Manager, Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

Expansion of Medicare under Obamacare

     Evidence is Mounting: The Affordable Care Act Has Worsened Medicaid’s Structural Problems

     Brian Blase, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center, George Mason University


Washington, DC Meeting November 2016

**To view power point presentations and supporting materials, click on underlined title.

Secretaries' Innovation Group