How Missouri side-tracked a certain ticking time bomb in child welfare.

     Knowing Where to Focus
      Kristen Cox, Founder & CEO, Epiphany Associates / Jonathon Coneby, Director of Client Engagement, Epiphany Associates 

Fentanyl was a factor in over 100,000 overdose deaths in 2022 

     Drug Addiction Science and the U.S. Overdose Epidemic
      Wilson Compton, M.D., M.P.E., Deputy Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse Finance

     Fentanyl and the Drug Crisis
     Jaime Zerbe, Chief of Staff, Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions

Foster Care Aging Out

     Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE): Five-year Impacts and Other Findings

      Ankita Patnaik, Ph.D., Principal Researcher, Mathematica

     Wisconsin PROMISE: Building Lessons Learned into Wisconsin Workforce Programs and Partnerships

     Ellie Hartman, Ellie Hartman, Workforce Data Integration System Chief Evaluation Officer, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

The non-monetary benefits of work

     Nonfinancial Benefits of Work
      Angela Rachidi, Senior Fellow and Rowe Scholar in Poverty Studies, American Enterprise Institute

     Why Work Matters: Refocusing the Safety Net on Work and Opportunity
      Leslie Ford, Adjunct Fellow, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, American Enterprise Institute

Is “full engagement” in work activity as a condition of benefits dead? And what about those not ready to work for health reasons? 

     Full Engagement: Just “Process” from the Past?
      Grant Collins, President, FedCap 

Washington, DC SIG July 2023

**To view power point presentations and supporting materials, click on underlined title.

Secretaries' Innovation Group